I have been having dreams of late, that are showing me events and helping me understand more about the nine ceremonies that were performed in the summer of 1998. When chatting with Guy
about it, it was after those ceremonies that the energies shifted and events started to activate moving the world population toward the chaos it is in now.
The first dream was a woman
standing before me, moving her right arm across her body and off to the right, like a flick of the hand.
She said: "You are not ready" This she repeated three
I fully understand that message: The human race is not ready to move towards a peaceful existence, they have not stepped into their compassionate heart to raise the collective
consciousness to the level needed for world peace. They need to learn respect of self and respect of others equally.
Then the next night I had a very vivid dream with three parts in
The past:
- The
first part was connected to the ceremonies and took place in the past, the years of 1998 – 2000.
These ceremonies were to awaken and connect the humans towards a new
beginning. However, we did not realize then, that it would take years to fully become activated and for the human race to be ready to accept a world of peace.
- The second part I felt the earth shift and it shook the planet in the present year of 2012.
This shift may lead us into the new shift coming at the end of Dec. 2012 That may not be what many are looking for. That shift just may bring about more chaos and lessons to learn from.
The Future:
- The third part I was above the earth watching from afar - the earth was lifted up and replaced, then repositioned into a new axis
then something seemed to pick it up and make a small adjustment in this new place. I felt the bump of it all and that was in the future - 2020.
As we are all aware, the global
weather is having extremes in heat and cold and weather is often more violent, the mountain glaciers melting, raising the water levels. If one believes in the collective consciousness then the weather patterns just may be attributed to the amount of anger
and frustration been projected by the masses. Spiritually speaking – we believe that all of the creation is connected – linked like the roots of trees in the forest. (If you saw the movie Avatar – you will remember how they lived connected
to all energy) Those that are energy sensitive may understand this more than those that are not. Negativity brings about more chaos and that places more frustration upon all.
three scenes in this dream repeated three times, I woke between each one and when I fell back asleep it repeated. Talking to Guy about the dreams that I had last night, I was attempting to figure it all out and what it meant. Seeing that the scenes were repeated
three times I looked up the number 3 in numerology:
The number three: The Divided, Triangle, Multiples, The Holy Trinity, Faith, Hope and Charity, Expression Joy of Living. People must
discover, both as an individual and as a group member, their capability of Expression.
Summation: I can gather that the human race has
a need to come together with optimism and enthusiasm toward a better world – however, the true thought is “come together” in thought and deed for the survival of this planet and a race of people that will live in peace together. This cannot
be achieved in the chaotic way we are living in the present.
The time span between 1998 and 2020 is 22 years. (22 is a powerful master number in numerology)
The changes for the human race started to shake up around the world in 1998. At the present year 2012 it has gotten worse and as I am preparing to post
this to The Orb in 2013 chaos worldwide has gotten out of control, more than it has ever been. Cultures attacking each other, civil wars in many places, the fall of empires the loss of capital and senseless shootings by young adults and even children. The
changes coming will either continue to worsen until 2020 – or – by the time we reach 2020 a correction in human behavior will have been made and the shifts necessary in the human consciousness will have placed the planet into its next orbit and
we will benefit from this horrendous mess this planet is in.
That gives us seven more years living in chaos – or – seven years to clean it all up. Not sure yet about it all
and was hoping to receive more information last night, but alas they let me sleep.
The next morning I thought that I would present this dream to the “4” visionaries
and see what they saw in these dreams.
TLC - Telsie
The Changes / Shifts to come
Visionaries Perception as seen by the “4”
what happened after the nine ceremonies performed in 1998, Oct. 22, 2012
“You are not ready” was the
reply from the Goddess Mother, her hand moved across her body with a flick as if she was cleansing the earth and human consciousness. We are in the middle of this energy in 2012 and due to many pressures on our physical body, we have not adjusted to the changes
yet. We have perceived the changes however we may not be ready to proceed with the next step. When the time is right we will all know what is needed to be done.
Softer gentler energy exists next to the evil that lurks amongst us all. This feminine energy is very subtle and yet very powerful. It has the power to heal and the power to destroy, like the forces of water. We cannot hide from it but we can stand to the
side and move out of the way as needed. Depending on our ability we will be positioned to use water for the force and power of the Goddess energy to assist in the balancing needed to nourish the minds of all to move the planet to the next phase in the evolution
of the planet. It is our time now for the discarding of the old and sowing of the new seeds that will be birthed around the year of 2020.
The past 1998 – 2000, the seeds that were sown has brought about the chaos that is in the present now 2012. Human consciousness has been blocked and it would appear that the young adults of the world have been programmed to bring forth this chaos, opening
all eyes toward the huge imbalance and injustice that plagues the world. This was brought about by the many ceremonies performed by many light workers opening vortexes to assist toward the next stage.
During these years 1998 – 2000 the new energies came in at Uluru and now 2012 we have been called again and motivated to play a part once again in finishing what we started
back in 1998.
In the dream 2012 the earth shifted and shook the planet, this may have been a shift in human consciousness
as more are becoming aware of the changes and imbalance that we are moving through in the present. The human race is being introduced to and humbled by these forces at play. Signs of new growth in the minds of the human race, bringing about “Good over
Evil” as Good will always prevail in time. This process is tedious but necessary for it to be a lasting force towards peace it must be done right.
Within the time span of 22 years (Master Number 22) from 1998 – 2020, we are now over the hump in 2012 (the end of the Mayan Calendar) and have eight years to seam this energy to repair the rifts and help when and where needed to make
a new era happen. Those called to do so, have been given the tools, the power and have been moved to the locations best suited for them to complete their missions. They are working in smaller, silent groups and are not buying into the events that some are
awaiting their transformation December 12, 2012. This shift will take time and cannot be hurried. Mother Nature will have her say in the next eight years with many earth changes that will also assist in the repositioning of the “Earth’s Axis”
for the next stage.
The world is headed down a slippery path and the chaos from around the world will need a
few more years before the human race wakes up and realizes what is important to all. As humans, we need to learn the importance of LOVE, RESPECT, and HUMILITY so that we can shift into the ways of a peaceful civilization. Learn to appreciate the commonalities
and respect the differences between all races and countries.
The new Songlines are being opened for the benefit
of all, lay lines are shifting and repositioning to new locations all in preparation for the “Axis” to be moved when the time comes. When all the work is done and made ready for the actual re-positioning of the “Earth’s Axis”
it will be done gently and will not place our beloved Mother Earth into harm’s way. Then we will move towards a “Peaceful Nation”.
With gratitude and respect to the “4” Visionaries