by: TLC-Telsie Boese

Newest Release: Why 2 the sequel The Uncertain Path

Why 2 the sequel The Uncertain Path

A romance novel filled with life changing adventure for Rachel. Difficult to put down; the reader is caught up with the characters.  You may become one of the players and feel more of the adventure and experience the novel into reality. Months of writing, chatting to my husband about the story and creating each personality was moving, exciting and at times overwhelming.  I am pleased to introduce you to my latest work and looking forward to writing the 3rd book. Enjoy I know you will.

“Finding true love is the most special moment in one’s earthly life. A blessing and adventure that lasts forever.”


Why 2 the sequel The Uncertain Path

Offical ISBN: 9781091374737

  Direct Link:   Amazon.usa


"Spirit Woman's Quest" Feb. 2018

          Spirit Woman’s Quest is my personal journey and how to pay attention to the smallest of messages that come in and having the ability to connect no matter what the need may be.

          Writing about this journey, sharing the story in hopes that others may benefit in their own personal way, the awakening within them.  We are all connected to the energy of ‘All That Is’.  Therefore, it is important to share, give freely and help to remember 'WHO' we are and 'HOW' we are connected to everything that has been, that is in the now and that will come in the next moment, our future.

          My intention is to encourage the reader to discover who they are and find their potential. Perhaps you have felt; had visions of; have seen things out of the corner of your eye and heard messages that came to you from deep within.  All these feelings and messages are very real.

"Spirit Woman's Quest"

Offical ISBN: 9781981922406

 Direct Link:  Available on 

Also with:

Booksamillion ; Book Depository

Greenlight Bookstore(New York, US)

'1st. Anniversary Edition'

Release Date: Jan 29, 2017

            In celebration of our 1st. anniversary of marriage and working together, we have published a very special edition.  Featuring two popular books from the past year; ‘Always by Your Side’ and ‘Spiritual Guiding From Those Above Us’ into one book.

            ‘Always by Your Side’; a book of poetry and thoughts towards evolving, knowing that there will be family and friends by your side when needed.

            ‘Spiritual Guiding From Those Above Us’; a book of poems on spirituality.  As we remember those who are no longer with us; we know they will always be helping us from above and watching over us plus bringing back memories.


 A great gift, two books in one for the price of one.

Authored by:

TLC Telsie Boese & P.J. Churchill

  "1st Anniversary Edition"

Official ISBN: 9781542481700

Direct Link:  Available on 

Also with:;    

Booksamillion ; Book Depository


Release Date was Nov. 17, 2016

          Never thought that I would write a fictional novel filled with intimacy, romance and betrayal as I wrote and watched “Why” morphed into more than a fictional story. Taking on its own life and energy, finding ways to become a resource novel in “The Art of Making Love” lessons started to emerge on how the heroine ‘Rachel’ learned to cope with skills that move beyond her painful past to becoming more, a writer with heart and soul. A very intimate and descriptive story; you may never want to put it down.

          Not just a fictional triangle love story, it is a revolutionary way to teach a taboo topic that lives in most households even in 2016. 


'Why' is more than a fiction book, a healing book also......

           A novel that will make you look further into your personal desires. You will find yourself cheering for the heroine and at times hating other characters. There is more to this created art in this book and something to talk about with your partner.

           Promoting an open and honest discussion between partners, coming together in a loving relationship with love and feeling complete, mentally and physically in sexual accomplishments. 

           We are humans, and as humans, we have been blessed with the pleasure of intimacy that is meant to be achieved. I know that orgasms are the natural way to heal the body. Unfortunately, many women have never experienced that pleasure for many reasons. Those reasons can be dismissed by having the courage to talk with your partner. Perhaps 'Why' will give you the platform to start talking and learning how to enjoy each other. 


Official ISBN: 9781539983132

Direct Link:  Available on 

 Also with:; 

Booksamillion  ; Book Depository

Always by Your Side

Release Date: April 9, 2016

             This is our first collaboration. We share our thoughts, short stories, and poetry from real life events that changed our lives, making a difference in our belief and having dreams come true. The writings are taken from true lovers, friendships that have lasted forever and yes from the loss of a partner, friend or family member passing. That no matter the distance, be it a different country or those in spirit we have the ability to stay connected.

            Having enjoyed working on this book together knowing that dreams do come true.  


"Always By Your Side"

Authored by: 

TLC-Telsie Boese & P. J. Churchill 

Official ISBN: 9781530754281

Direct Link: Available on 

Also with:

Booksamillion ;  Book Depository


          Throughout my life I had a knowing from deep within that provided the answer to any question I had.  A life filled with adventure that has been guided by unseen hands, a life filled with excitement and mystery, that at times could be misinterpreted as totally unbelievable.

          It is difficult for me to express who I am or what I do.  I feel that I wish to be invisible to many and just be normal.  Yet that is impossible for I write to share and hope that the words will bring a message to help and inspire the spirit in all.

          Born to explore and artistically inclined in the visual arts and writing have been my passion.  This life filled with adventure, never to be bored for there was always something going on in my mind.  Feeling that it was very natural to have guidance from above, and the inner voices, the thoughts, and feelings that were with me always.

          Wherever I walked, whatever I touched in the many different parts of the world, I left a footprint behind and planted a few seeds for others to find and take on their personal journey of life.


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TLC-Telsie Boese



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          If you have enjoyed or benefitted from this page; please send a message to me in my guestbook.  It will be an honor to write back and share.


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